Who We Are
An Impact-Driven Private Investment Firm
To be the apex investment management firm in Nepal with primary focus on stock market, hydropower, real estate and private equity.
To generate exceptional value for our shareholders by providing superior returns through diversification among various asset classes. To make impact on entrepreneurial ecosystem by supporting and financing young budding startups. To create a dedicated team culture that strives for excellence and attracts the best talents in the market. To help uplift our community through impact-based meaningful contributions to our society.
Core Values
Think big; Lead by example; Good is the enemy of great; Be passionate; Trust is a precious commodity; Honesty is the best policy
What We Do
We believe that professional experience and a proven track record are essential in the field of finance and investments. With almost two decades of experience in the capital market, we focus on our core competencies to achieve greater success.
Since our humble beginnings in 2016, we have been able to create enormous value for our stakeholders as well as the entrepreneurial ecosystem. One of our business mantras has always been to make an impact in our every step.
We have ventured into the reinsurance brokerage business through founding of Worldnet Reinsurance Broker - governed by Nepal Insurance Authority.
As per our long-term strategy in renewables, we have have made an investment into Peoples Energy Ltd., which is executing the 48.8 MW hydro project.
With success of our e-commerce venture - Baby Tree, we made foray into retail through opening of 2 separate outlets in Kuleshwor & Jhamsikhel.
For diversification as well as for e-commerce potential in the baby segment, we incubated Baby Tree, which is now one of Nepal's leading baby brands.
With stock market transitioning to digital medium, we invested in Source Code, a fintech firm focused on developing tech products for capital market.
To focus on our financial advisory business catering to young startups as well as SMEs, we established a subsidiary company - Mayflower Capital.
During our 1st year of operation, we took a major step in the PE/VC space through our investment in a digital financial media venture - Nepali Paisa.
The idea for Jaguar was first conceptualized with a profound vision - to ''create enduring value and leave lasting footprints'' in Nepal's capital market.
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail- Ralph Waldo Emerson
+Market Reach
+Jobs Impacted
+Clients Served
%CAGR (%)
A good portfolio is more than a long list of good stocks and bonds. It is a balanced whole, providing the investor with protections and opportunities with respect to a wide range of contingencies.- Harry Markowitz
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